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Producer(Agent Properties)
class Producer(mesa.Agent):
"""A Producer agent."""

def __init__(self, unique_id, model):
super().__init__(unique_id, model)

self.breed = "Producer"
self.period = 0 # Model run step.

# (Gs) (source account)
self.government_supplied_expenditure = Decimal(0)
# (Cs) (source account)
self.consumption_goods_supplied = Decimal(0)
# Memo account: (Contribution to National Income (Y)) : (Y = Gs + Cs)
self.income_memo_account = Decimal(0)
# (W_Nd) (use account)
self.wage_rate_demanded = Decimal(0)

# Energy use
self.flow_energy_used = Decimal(0)
self.stock_energy_used = Decimal(0)

Behaviour Comments

Producer(Agent Comments)
def step(self):
Producer Functions (each and every step):
1 Choose and employ a household agent.
2 Connect with the Environment and account for government and household consumption demands.
3 Communicate to employed household agents their wage this step.

Behaviour Functions

View Producer agent behavioural logic.